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‘Total manufacturing’ is a concept which addresses ‘Manufacturing excellence’ by focusing on streamlining the process flow, improving productivity and manufacturing quality, reducing the wastes of all types including time, Housekeeping and Total Productive Maintenance(TPM). While a documented and certified quality management system will help, substantial ‘improvements’ in processes can be achieved only through commitment and on-the-ground projects for which a knowledge of the above manufacturing excellence areas is necessary.

With the ‘Make in India, Sell anywhere in the World’ initiative, emphasis and expectations on Quality, cost and delivery have increased as never before.

We are committed to handhold and work with clients on this Manufacturing excellence journey through Projects, Consultancy and Training routes and help them realize benefits which include

  • improved operational efficiency, which leads to better performance, less waste and lower costs

  • greater profitability

  • Safety

  • Customer focus

Total Manufacturing

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